Dying with His Eyes Wide Open: A Memoir of Love and Grief is the revealing portrait of a real, faults-and-all, shiningly beautiful relationship, a multi-faceted diamond in the rough. Reconstructed from the author’s journal entries and other writings poured out during the two years after her husband of thirty years slipped agonizingly away, the book moves back and forth through time fluidly, reflecting on how its passage is shaped and altered by grief. More than a memoir, Dying with His Eyes Wide Open also serves as practical inspiration on how to reconstruct oneself when life has been shattered and a model for honoring a lost loved one with whom the relationship was complex. Finding one’s way back from the abyss requires forging an amalgam of theory, insight (one’s own and others’), and lived experience. In this remarkable journey through love and grief, Kathryn has gotten the chemistry just right.
Una vida sana…
Zhineng Qi Gong
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todos los miércoles y viernes
a las 9:30 am practicamos el
Zhineng Qi Gong
con la finalidad de armonizar nuestro cuerpo, emociones y conciencia con todo lo que existe en el Universo.
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