Paule Guerard, pláticas

¡De nuevo abiertos!

Hemos estado felices y muy ocupados en este reinicio de actividades. Gracias a todos los que han venido, gracias por sus buenos deseos y apoyo.

A partir del próximo sábado 25 tendremos una serie de 3 pláticas en inglés que ofrecerá Paule Guérard. Paule es especialista en psicoterapia espiritual y en sanación energética.

Las pláticas abarcarán tres temas. Aquí está la información (en inglés):

Sábado 25 de enero, 1 pm

Introduction to Spiritual Numerology
Numerology is about sacred geometry, or the shape of things, people, events, relationships: everything shows up within a patterned dynamic. Imagine these patterns are there to guide, inform and reveal to us directions to take, or attitudes to embody. Pattern reveal dynamically what often is difficult to comprehend emotionally. These are some of the possibilities offered by spiritual numerology.
Cuota de recuperación: $200

Sábado 1 de febrero, 1 pm

Introduction to Tarot
Tarot offers a map of the human soul journey through life. It highlights how we use, underuse or overuse our energies; it points to the stage of evolution our soul could be in, and the pitfalls and gifts inherent in each. More importantly the tarot is a powerful tool to develop intuition.
Cuota de recuperación: $200

Sábado 8 de febrero, 1 pm (2 horas)

Accepting everything on non duality
Acceptance seems like such a simple thing to do until we realize acceptance is not resignation, defeat or numbness. It implies setting our judgement aside, being willing to let go of our attachment to being right or our need to feel good or comfortable. Acceptance is about openness to all.
Cuota de recuperación: $250 (incluye una comida ligera)